Seminari VHIR - Dr. Jan Belohlávek "Keypoints of an ECPR program of excellence"

  Sala d'Actes 10a planta, Hospital General —
17/06/2019 -- De 15:10h a 17:00h
Organización :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalidad: Presencial

Dr. Jan Belohlávek, Chief Physician, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine - Clinic of Cardiology and Angiology, First Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic

"Keypoints of an ECPR program of excellence"

Essentials of an ECPR program for both IHCA and OHCA will be summarized. ECPR programme depends on appropriate logistics and both pre- and inhospital organization, team training and advanced postCPR care. Cannulation technique, individual roles of selected specialities including nurses and expected outcome will also be discussed

CV: Cardiologist, intensivist in Prague, Czech Republic. Assoc. Prof. of Medicine, board certified in cardiology, angiology and critical care, licenced in invasive cardiology. In charge of cardiac intensive care, ECMO team coordinator. Main clinical and research focus on refractory cardiac arrest, ECMO reperfusion, microcirculation, different ECMO settings and reperfusion. Investigator of the Prague OHCA study comparing hyperinvasive approach – ECPR to standard therapy in refractory cardiac arrest. Participates also on ECMO-CS, cardiogenic shock study evaluating the role of ECMO in severe cardiogenic shock. Chair of the Czech Association of Acute Cardiology, member of the EURO-ELSO steering committee, chairmain of the EURO-ELSO 2018 congress in Prague, Czech Republic.

Host: Research group Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation (SODIR)






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