Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR 'Genome Editing in Biomedicine in 2023 and beyond'

 Vall d'Hebron Talks by VHIR
  Activitat Online —
16/10/2023 -- De 09:00h a 11:00h
Organiza :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalidad: Online

Speaker: Dr. Lluís Montoliu (CNB-CSIC).

Lluis Montoliu is a CSIC Research Scientist at the National Centre for Biotechnology and at the Spanish Research Initiative on Rare Diseases, in Madrid, Spain after working in Heidelberg and Barcelona. He is the Director of the Spanish node of the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA/INFRAFRONTIER). 
At the CNB, since 1997, he leads a research team interested in basic science (genome organization), and in applied biomedical science, using animal models for the study of human rare diseases, such as albinism. He has pioneered the in vivo use of genome-editing CRISPR approaches in Spain. He is the current President of two scientific societies ESPCR and ARRIGE and serves at the boards of additional national and international associations. He is the President of the CSIC Ethics Committee and serves at the Ethics Panel of ERC. Besides research, he is also interested in ethics, education and popular science.Laboratory has generated numerous animal models of human rare diseases, such as albinism, through standard genetic modifications or using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing tools, whose use in mice he pioneered in Spain. He is the President of the CSIC Ethics Committee and a member of the Ethics Panel at the ERC in Brussels.

Genome editing is firmly progressing to the clinic, with an increasing number of clinical trials following numerous preclinical experiments where a variety of CRISPR-related tools have been assessed. Innovation is also arriving at the level of delivery systems, with the use of nanotechnology, thanks to the great success obtained with the lipid nanoparticles that were used to encapsulate the mRNA encoding the S protein of the coronavirus. This webinar will review where do we stand today in genome editing, aims achieved and remaining challenges.

Host: Dr. Josep Quer Sivila, Main researcher, Liver Diseases, Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca VHIR

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