All the information about the Vall d'Hebron in one place

We make an effort to communicate properly, as this allows us to be closer to the patient, the public and the professional. For this reason, we undertake a transversal and transmedia task, carrying out an exercise in leadership, strategy and corporate identity throughout the healthcare complex.

We invite you to share everything that happens at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, and our doors are always open. This ensures that professionals and patients can be more connected than ever before.


Congres Internacional Comunicació Salut

Over 450 experts attended the 1st Vall d’Hebron International Congress on Communication


The conclusions from the 1st International Congress on Health Communication will provide the basis for a Guide to Health Communication, which will be share with the European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA).


XXX Curs de Patologia Endocrina Medico-Quirúrgica

Aula Vall d'Hebron

Secretaria Tècnica activitats formatives externes
tel: 693.785.436

10/29/2024 - 09:00
Més informació

ECMOBARNA 2024- curs teòric- pràctic d'oxigenació per membrana extracorpòria

Aula Vall d'Hebron

Secretaria Tècnica activitats formatives externes
tel: 693.785.436

11/12/2024 - 09:00
Assistència del pacient crític
Més informació

Curs 'Suport vital avançat en cirurgia cardíaca (CALS)'


Dr. Juan Carlos Ruíz
Hospital Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona


11/15/2024 - 09:00
Metges i infermers implicats en la cura del pacient post operat de cirurgia cardíaca.
More information

Curs Ecocardiografia, Doppler Cardíac I Imatge Multimodalitat i Jornades d'actualització en Imatge Cardíaca

Aula Vall d'Hebron

Secretaria Tècnica activitats formatives externes
tel: 693.785.436

11/18/2024 - 09:00
Cardiologia, Ecocardiografia, Imatge cardíaca
Més informació

Recommended apps

El Meu Vall d'Hebron

This is the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Campus application. It offers interesting information about the hospital and has a private area that allows patients to manage their surgical information.

Som Vall d'Hebron

Application for professionals working on Vall d'Hebron Hospital Campus that brings together the healthcare, research and teaching excellence of the institutions that are part of the hospital. It is an internal communication tool that streamlines and brings together all the activities, news and latest developments.

NeoInph VH

Neolnph is an app conceived for healthcare workers (neonatal nursing staff) to ensure the safe administration of drugs to the neonatal population. The app is aimed at neonatal nursing staff, but can also be useful for the delivery room, consulting room, paediatricians and anaesthesiologists.


An application aimed at patients who have suffered a stroke and who have returned home. This application helps patients receive personalised, continuous supervision in following the medical guidelines while monitoring vascular risk factors.


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Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
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By accepting these conditions, you are agreeing to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services requested through this portal, and, if necessary, for any procedures required by the administrations or public bodies involved in this processing, and their subsequent inclusion in the aforementioned automated file. You may exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by writing to, clearly stating the subject as "Exercising of Data Protection Rights".
Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information.
Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy.
Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use.
Source: The interested party themselves.