Continuous professional development

A passion for improvement and ongoing learning defines Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. For this reason, through courses and seminars, we have a range of continuous professional development choices available to our staff on the campus.

Courses and workshops

All Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus centres promote a training policy that seeks to enhance the development of the organisation and the people who are part of it. As a leading centre of expertise in different areas of healthcare, it runs a high number of courses, conferences and workshops aimed at its own staff as well as external professionals.

Vall d’Hebron Research Institute also organises courses for professionals dedicated to research, for them to develop aptitudes and extend their knowledge, so they are more competent and competitive in their field.

Seminars and conferences

In the same spirit of training and creating spaces for the sharing of knowledge, we hold seminars and conferences at the Campus throughout the year. Promoted by the institutions that make up the Hospital, for professionals, they are an opportunity to hear experts, to learn and discuss the current state of science and healthcare.

Training for external professionals

Our training is characterised by updating knowledge and continuous innovation, as well as by the level of competence and commitment of teaching staff. We have a proven track record of training activities in different specialisations, which are a point of reference in the rest of Spain.

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