All the information about the Vall d'Hebron in one place

We make an effort to communicate properly, as this allows us to be closer to the patient, the public and the professional. For this reason, we undertake a transversal and transmedia task, carrying out an exercise in leadership, strategy and corporate identity throughout the healthcare complex.

We invite you to share everything that happens at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, and our doors are always open. This ensures that professionals and patients can be more connected than ever before.


Grup de Psiquiatria, Salut Mental i Addiccions del VHIR

Vall d'Hebron highlights the potential of synbiotics to control irritability


Irritability in ADHD and BDP is an understudied symptom that has a major impact on patients' quality of life and may even increase the risk of suicide.


Introducció a la hidrocefàlia i alteracions de la dinàmica de LCR

Per a obtenir informació addicional, si us plau, contacta amb

09/02/2024 - 09:00
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XIX Curs teòric-pràctic d'Ecocardiografia bàsica i avançada en medicina d'urgències, intensiva i anestèsia

Aula Vall d'Hebron:

Tel: 93 489 45 68

09/16/2024 - 09:00
Cardiologia, Medicina Intensiva, Anestèsia i Reanimació, Neurologia
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Fonaments fisiopatològics de la hipòxia tissular i monitoratge de l'aportació cerebral d'oxigen


Juan Sahuquillo i Maria Antonia Poca



09/30/2024 - 09:00
Facultatius especialistes, residents i personal d'infermeria interessats en el maneig del pacient neurocrític
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Aula Vall d'Hebron:

Secretaria Tècnica activitats formatives externes
tel: 693.785.436

10/03/2024 - 08:45
Cardiologia i Nefrologia
Més informació i inscripcions

Recommended apps


An application aimed at patients who have suffered a stroke and who have returned home. This application helps patients receive personalised, continuous supervision in following the medical guidelines while monitoring vascular risk factors.


La Meva Salut

La Meva Salut is a personal digital health app that allows you to access medical reports, diagnoses, clinical analysis and test results, as well as your current medication plan. You can also consult professionals and carry out procedures simply, securely and confidentially.

061 Salut respon

This app is aimed at both professionals and patients. It allows the user to register and send their data automatically to the 061 emergency number in case of emergency. It also provides health tips, states the location of the nearest healthcare centres and allows the user to receive health-related notifications. The app is public and free.

Contact form

Journalists can easily contact us via this form. This allows us to get in contact with you when we have newsworthy developments. You can also contact us for specific questions. We’re here to help!

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Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information.
Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy.
Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use. Source: The interested party themselves.

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By accepting these conditions, you are agreeing to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services requested through this portal, and, if necessary, for any procedures required by the administrations or public bodies involved in this processing, and their subsequent inclusion in the aforementioned automated file. You may exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by writing to, clearly stating the subject as "Exercising of Data Protection Rights".
Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information.
Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy.
Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use.
Source: The interested party themselves.