Sra. Marta Sorribes Puertas

Institutions of which it is part

General Hospital


I am a psychologist with over twenty years of experience in the field of addiction treatment. My professional interest has led me to specialize in the treatment of alcoholism. Currently, I am part of the Psychiatry Service at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and carry out my professional activities within the Addiction and Dual Disorders area. I am a strong advocate for public healthcare, my daily commitment is to work with the enthusiasm, dedication, and respect that our patients deserve.


I began my professional career at the Catalan Health Institute as a psychologist in the Alcoholism Unit of the Primary Care Area in Barcelona in 1998. Since 2013, I have worked as a psychologist in the Addiction and Dual Pathology area of the Mental Health Service at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

In the academic field, I train both internal and external Clinical Psychology residents during their rotation in the Addiction and Dual Disorders area. In the field of research, I have participated in various scientific publications and projects related to mental health and dual pathology, and I have also been a speaker at national and international conferences.
Marta Sorribes Puertas


General Hospital


Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Research technician

Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions

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