Being charitable has its rewards!

Your financial donation not only promotes the health of today and tomorrow. It also gives you tax benefits, regardless of the amount given. In the case of individuals, these are in the form of deductions from their income tax, and, for companies, from their corporate tax. In addition, if you collaborate for more than three years, the advantages increase. Make your donation here!

Calculate your tax-break

If you are a tax resident in Catalonia, you can deduct 100% of the first 250 euros you donate to research. From 250 euros onwards, a 70% deduction applies. Individuals, who are not tax residents in Catalonia, can deduct up to 80% of the first 250 euros and, from there on, 40%. For example, if you make a donation of 280 euros (as a one-off donation or in small monthly donations), you will get 224 euros back on your tax return (200 euros from the first 250 euros, and 24 euros from the remaining 30, which makes a total of 224 euros of your annual donation). When a donor has made contributions to Vall d'Hebron for three years in a row, 45% of the amount given can be deducted.

In the case of a company, if it is a tax resident in Catalonia, it can deduct 100% of the personal income tax liability up to a limit of 10% of the regional tax liability. For the rest of the companies, up to 40% of the donation can be deducted from corporate tax, in general. In order to reward sustained patronage, the deduction increases to 50% for legal entities if, in the two previous years, the donation has been made to the same entity, at least for the same amount.

How would you like to collaborate? We can...

Projecte de recerca

Promote research projects

In medicine and in life there is something that is priceless: Time. Your donation helps us increase research and incorporate cutting-edge technology, with the aim of improving current treatments and the quality of life of patients.

Buy time
Fons marí

Improve and refurbish spaces

Through your charity, we have created more friendly spaces, such as the Lunar Station, a room for metabolic therapy for children with cancer, or the Multipurpose Paediatric day Hospital, that is decorated to look like the seabed.

Donate now
Nen hospitalitzat amb un cotxe

Improve the well-being of patients

With your contribution we have launched projects such as Distraction Kits, a program with a clear goal: To reduce the anguish of all children during the different medical tests that we perform in the hospital.

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Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information.
Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy.
Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use.
Source: The interested party themselves.

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By accepting these conditions, you are agreeing to the processing of your personal data for the provision of the services requested through this portal, and, if necessary, for any procedures required by the administrations or public bodies involved in this processing, and their subsequent inclusion in the aforementioned automated file. You may exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by writing to, clearly stating the subject as "Exercising of Data Protection Rights".
Operated by: Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Foundation – Research Institute.
Purpose: Manage the user’s contact information.
Legitimisation: Express acceptance of the privacy policy.
Rights: To access, rectify, and delete personal information data, as well to the portability thereof and to limit and/or oppose their use.
Source: The interested party themselves.