Inauguration of the exhibition of scientific photographs of Vall d’Hebron at Palau Robert

The exhibition ‘L’altra mirada de la recerca’ (The Other Look at Research) can be visited at Palau Robert from 13th January to 28th February.


On January 19, the General Director of Health Research and Innovation, Dr. Robert Fabregat i Fuentes, inaugurated the exhibition ‘L’altra mirada de la recerca’ (The Other Look at Research) that Palau Robert hosts from January 13 to February 28. It presents a collection of finalist scientific photographs from the competition held by the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) since 2011. During the first week, more than 10,000 people passed through the exhibition.

As part of this exhibition, a series of weekly talks on science, art and COVID-19 was held in February. Below you can watch them again:


February 2, 6 to 7 p.m. - What's behind the scientific images?

Patricia Bogdanov, Senior Researcher at the Diabetes and Metabolism Research Group, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). CIBERDEM

Hugo Ramos Abellan, Predoctoral Student of the Diabetes and Metabolism Research Group, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)

Jordi Huerta, Laboratory Technician of the Diabetes and Metabolism Research Group, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)

Watch it again here


February 9, from 6pm to 7pm - Art and science

Victor Puntes, Head of the Pharmacokinetic Nanoparticles Research Group, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)

Jo Milne, Artist and University Professor: EINA. University Center for Design and Art attached to the UAB, and University of Barcelona and IRB Barcelona Resident Artist

Watch it again here


February 16, from 6pm to 7pm - Art and Health

Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, Head of the Psychiatry Service at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Principal Investigator of the Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions Research Group, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and Scientific Director of the program of Arts in Health of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS)

Guillem d’Efak, Director of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS) and coordinator of the Health Arts Strategy of the ICS

Sara Guila Fidel, clinical psychologist, assistant of the Psychiatry Service of the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital and Visual Arts teacher.

Watch it again here


February 23, from 6pm to 7pm - Covid research in Vall d’Hebron: from the microscope to epidemiology

Dr. Susana Otero, associate physician of the Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Service at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and principal investigator of the Epidemiology and Public Health research group at the VHIR. She will talk about the Task Foce Covid-19 of Vall d'Hebron: 

Dr. Toni Soriano, Consultant in pediatric tropical infectious diseases and Tuberculosis in the Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. He will speak about the research of Covid-19 in the pediatric age.

Dra. Alba Gómez, associate physician of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. She will talk about the sequelae of Covid-19 at the respiratory level.

Watch it again here


Opening ceremony of the exhibition of scientific photographs

On January 19, the event began with a welcome to Palau Robert by the General Director of Dissemination, Mr. Jordi del Rio, who acknowledged that "when the exhibition was presented to us, we did not hesitate to host it as science is key to responding to the uncertainty we have in these times of pandemic". Then Dr. Albert Salazar, manager at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, highlighted the success of the photography competition, both in the Scientific Category and in the People’s Hospital Category: “The photography competition is a sample of how people evolve and how science and technology advance”.

For his part, Dr. Joan Comella, director of the VHIR, in his speech explained the origin of the scientific photography competition, which began 10 years ago. “We started thinking about how to bring our research to society, taking advantage of the aesthetic part associated with the work of the laboratory. Now, this exhibition is also a recognition to our researchers, because it is the research that allows us to continue”, he said.

Two of the researchers who have participated most in the photography competition over the years also came to the inauguration. "Art and science should work together, they should not be disconnected as both artists and scientists explore and research to find solutions”, said Dr. Víctor F. Puntes, head of the CIBBIM Nanomedicine Pharmacokinetic Nanoparticles research group at the VHIR, who explained that emotion in the aesthetics of scientific images helps researchers to persist and maintain their motivation in the face of the frustration that can cause work in science. For her part, Dr. Patricia Bogdanov, researcher at the Diabetes and Metabolism research group at VHIR, considers that "this exhibition is a window that allows the population to enter a different world: in a cell, a tissue, a nanoparticle...". Dra. Bogdanov also said that "behind each image is a story, an initial question that, through the scientific method, tries to cure a disease or improve people's quality of life".

Finally, Dr. Robert Fabregat i Fuentes, Director General of Health Research and Innovation, wanted to convey the importance of the exhibition in terms of recognition for research and scientific dissemination. "It is a recognition of the research work and, in particular, of the leading research that is being carried out in Vall d'Hebron. In addition, we hope that these images will be able to arouse the curiosity of those who will be the future researchers", he concluded.

Over the past 10 years, more than 600 photographs taken by researchers and research support staff were submitted. Each year, a jury made up of Vall d’Hebron Campus staff and external photography professionals selects the 12 best photographs and the winning image is chosen by popular vote. The 12 finalist photographs are used to illustrate an annual calendar and to decorate the different spaces of the Vall d’Hebron research buildings.

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