Premieres in Catalonia the UNREST documentary, awarded at Sundance Film Festival 2017

Next Monday, April 9, 2018 at 7pm in CosmoCaixa in Barcelona, and continuing with the tour of projections, will debut at Catalonia the documentary film UNREST, winner -inter alia- the special prize of the jury at the Sundance Film Festival 2017 and which also was among the 15 shortlisted for the Oscar 2018.


UNREST is a documentary film where the actor and director, Jennifer Brea, shows us how she and her husband face the harsh reality of the disease being treated, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Encephalomyelitis Myalgic (CFS/EM). It is a devastating and multisystemic disease that causes dysfunction of the neurological, immune, endocrine and metabolic systems. It is so hard and debilitating, as unknown and misunderstood, both socially and by doctors themselves.

Jennifer begins to record their daily lives with her camera, showing us many disadvantages, obstacles and misunderstandings that she faces, that will take her to initiate a search of responses around the world, while the disease leaves her bedridden in bed. In this way, she gets to contact others affected and learn their stories, so similar to hers, that is also reflected in this film.  

The film is a story of overcoming that reveals to us the tough and heart-breaking reality to which these patients must cope every day, opening the doors of their homes and bedrooms, in which they spend so many hours, and showing us what is not usually seen or known upon how their lives are affected.

Jennifer Brea is also the creator of the #MillionsMissing global movement. 

The event will be presented by Dr. José Alegre Martin, reference in CFS/EM at the Vall d'Hebron Campus. After the screening of the film there will be a brief discussion that will count with the collaboration of:

  • Dr. Jesús Castro, researcher of the SFC/MS Research Unit of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR).
  • Mr. Raimon Cortada, founder of Vitae Natural Nutrition Laboratories.
  • Mrs. Mª José Félix, President of the National Confederation of CSS and the DOLFA National Association of children, adolescents and youth with CSS.

The screening of the documentary in Catalonia has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the Obra Social "la Caixa", the Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus and the DOLFA National Association, together with the National Confederation of Central Sensitivity Syndromes (CSS). This collaboration allows the social awareness of this disease, as well as funding for its research.

After the screening in CosmoCaixa, the film will also display in the CaixaForum centres in Tarragona, Lleida and Girona.

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