The winners of the Vall d’Hebron 2020 Photography Competition receive their photographs in sheet format

Dr Albert Salazar, director of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, and Dr Joan X. Comella, director of the Vall d’Hebron Research, have today presented the winners of the Vall d’Hebron 2020 Photography Competition with their photographs in sheet format. 


Dr Albert Salazar, director of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, and Dr Joan X. Comella, director of the Vall d’Hebron Research, have today presented the winners of the Vall d’Hebron 2020 Photography Competition with their photographs in sheet format. Participation has increased once more in this year's edition, with a total of 68 photographs being submitted in the Scientific Photography category by 45 different participants, and 50 photographs being submitted in the People’s Hospital category by 35 different participants, with a maximum of three photographs being submitted per person. Last year, 57 and 58 photographs were submitted in each category, respectively.

In the award ceremony, each of the winners received their photograph in sheet format. In the People’s Hospital category, Dr Albert Salazar, director of Vall d’Hebron University Hospital congratulated each winner and presented them with print outs of their photographs. The winning entries in this category were ‘Desesperança als ulls. Fi de la Guàrdia (UCI D2). Primera Onada COVID', by Marina Macía; 'Esperant a l'Abu', by Alba Bassets; 'Resistirem', by Emma García; and 'Equip SEM Pediàtric Vall d'Hebron/Volando Vengo', by Xoan González.

In the Scientific Photography category, Dr Joan Comella, director of the VHIR, congratulated the winners and presented them with their entries in sheet format. The successful submissions were 'Rusc hepàtic’, by Imma Raurell; 'Ou Ferrat amb Nanocàpsules', by Miguel García; 'Tempesta Solar’, by Victor Puntes; and 'Niu supraselar’, by Humberto Diaz-Silva.

Vall d’Hebron University Hospital will launch its 2021 Photography Competition tomorrow. All employees of Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus are invited to take part.

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