Sra. Aitana Plaza Raimundo

Institutions of which it is part

I am a nurse with experience in the field of mental health. Currently, I am a nurse in the field of clinical research, carrying out the execution of clinical trials and research projects. The satisfaction of being able to contribute to the search for new treatments has led me to continue dedicating myself to this sector. I am currently working as a research nurse in the Clinical Research Support Unit at VHIR, collaborating with different hospital departments.


From 2018 to 2021 I trained and worked as a mental health nurse working with several special groups (Acute Unit of the Granollers hospital, Mataró, Mollet Day Hospital, residency, Catalònia Foundation). At the same time I trained in clinical research as a research grant from the International University of Catalonia collaborating in the realization of various teaching innovation projects.

In 2021 I joined the Clinical Research Support Unit (USIC) team at VHIR, located on the 13th floor of the Mother and Child Building. Our day to day consists of collaborating with researchers who have research projects and need nursing support either for procedures required by protocol or with sample processing.

I have training in Good Clinical Practices and IATA certificate (management and transport of biological samples). In 2021 I completed the Master's Degree in Clinical Research taught by the UIC.
Aitana Plaza Raimundo

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