Seminari VHIR Dra. María José Alonso Fernández "Nanotechnology and advanced therapies"

  Sala d'Actes, planta baixa, Hospital General —
24/04/2019 -- De 15:30h a 17:00h
Organitza :
Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial

Dra. María José Alonso Fernández, Professor of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)

"Nanotechnology and advanced therapies"

Her lab has pioneered numerous discoveries in the field of nanomedicine and drug delivery. She has coordinated and participated in a high number of international research consortia financed by the WHO, the Gates Foundation, The World Cancer Research organization, the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the European Commission. She is the author of over 270 scientific contributions with more than 16,100 cites (H factor 71) and the inventor of 21 patent families. Because of the quality of her papers she has been among the TOP TEN in Pharmacology (Times Higher Education).
She has received 28 Awards, including the “King Jaume I Award” given to the best researcher in the area of new technologies in Spain, the “Maurice Marie Janot Award” given by APGI, the EU society of Pharmaceutical Technology and the “CRS Founders Award” of the Controlled Release Society (CRS).
She was the Vice-rector of Research and Innovation of the USC. Currently, she is President of the Controlled Release Society and Editor-in-Chief of the Drug Delivery and Translational Research jounal. She is also a member of three Academies in Spain, a member of the College of Fellows of AIMBE, a member of the College of Fellows of the CRS and a member of the US Academy of Medicine.

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