Sessió d'Innovació VHIR - Genine Winslow "Gene Therapy Product Development: Translating research into clinical trials"

  Aula 114 -  Unitat Docent (HUVH) —
11/10/2019 -- De 10:50h a 10:50h
Organitza :
Unitat d'Innovació - Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)
Modalitat: Presencial

Genine Winslow, Founder and CEO Chameleon Bioscience - MSc in Immunology from the department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of California at Berkeley focusing on T cell activation, Genine has expertise in AAV and Lenti-virus based vector production and characterization, Immunology, drug development and regulatory guidelines.

"Gene Therapy Product Development: Translating research into clinical trials" 

This sessions is focused on the basic steps and challenges to translating academic research into a drug development program, and what is needed to initiate clinical trials. Chameleon’s EVADER technology will be the case study, presented together with the steps taken and those planned for the path to a clinical trial. Chameleon’s founder Genine Winslow teamed up with Dr. Casey Maguire and business executive Jeffery Vick in order to translate a novel AAV technology into the EVADER platform, that is being used to develop gene therapies that overcome challenges facing current generation AAV gene therapies.  EVADER vectors are designed to be less immunogenic and more potent in order to treat more patients suffering from severe diseases.  This presentation will focus on the path chosen by Chameleon founders from the perspectives of scientific data, funding, and manufacturing considerations followed by a question and answer session to open the discussion up to questions from the audience.
Genine Winslow MSc. is founder and CEO of Chameleon Biosciences. Ms. Winslow founded Chameleon in 2017 to provide next-generation gene therapies to treat more patients with genetic diseases. Prior to Chameleon, Ms. Winslow was Director of Analytics at Audentes Therapeutics focusing on developing gene therapies for Myotubular Myopathy, Pompe Disease, and CASQ2-related Catecholaminergic Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. At BioMarin, she was a Lead Scientist playing a key role in testing and process development for a Hemophilia A product. Before BioMarin, Ms. Winslow was instrumental in CMC development of Lentiviral-based gene therapies as a scientist at BlueBird Bio. Ms. Winslow began her career at Cell Genesys contributing to early CAR-T programs. All of the programs that Ms. Winslow was involved with are in clinical trials, 4 in pivotal clinical trials. Ms. Winslow has a B.Sc. in Genetics from UC Davis, and a M.Sc. in Molecular and Cell Biology, Immunology focus, from UC Berkeley.
Chameleon Bioscience is a pre-clinical stage gene therapy company, developing a proprietary first in class vector platform technology for repeated dosing of systemic gene therapy. Chameleon's novel vectors deliver therapeutic proteins to specific tissues while reducing antigen specific immune responses to both the vector and the therapeutic protein. Chameleon is transforming gene therapy with repeat dosing for treatment of devastating diseases.

Innovation Unit, Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR)  Phone:  +34 93 274 60 00 (ext 4844)

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